I was impressed by Elliot Lum, his commitment and purpose towards wanting to make the industry more accessible to all; Elliot created a smart strategy and aligned the AEF with relevant and equally committed partnerships. The industry has afforded me the space to create, collaborate and foster tremendous relationships with amazing people. I want the same for others.
I love this question; one year, I was struggling making bad hires for my team. I was more focused on hiring for the team and the organization vs. hiring for me. A wonderful mentor told, if I hire for me, everyone else benefits. And, she was spot on!
I work with a spiritual, executive advisor, like a coach, but different. He is a professor of sorts, a professor of levels of consciousness. Self awareness is the key to being an effective leader. As a result of this work, I have been able to show up as my best self for me and for those I work with.
Media attracts smart, creative, dynamic and passionate driven souls. Working for an agency, something I have done most of my career, isn’t for everyone. It’s intense but also allows for great work. I love the diversity of the challenges but most enjoyable is the diversity of the relationships my job affords me.