Talent Champion – James Fortsch

Talent Champion Spotlight

AEF Talent Champion - James Fortsch

James Forstch
VP, Director of Talent & Operations
McCann New York

James Fortsch is the director of talent and operations at McCann New York. Since joining McCann in 2017, Fortsch and his team have focused on attracting the very best diverse talent in the world to both McCann and the marketing industry at large. This includes leading the Diversity Recruitment Council for Verizon’s Agency Partners to spearheading programming with CUNY Unlimited for students with intellectual disabilities. Fortsch and his team continue to be on the frontlines every single day as they work to drive significant change in this space.

What prompted you to get involved with the AEF and why are you passionate about the future of the industry?

The AEF and McCann have been partners for years and I was honored to carry on that legacy. Working with Gordon, Elliot and the AEF team is an opportunity that I relish, because I believe in the work they are doing. They understand what we face on the front lines and are committed to making real and sustainable change in this space.

What is the best career advice you've ever received?

“Lead from the front, because anyone can lead from a distance.”

To me this means more than just having the courage to get your hands dirty. It also shows you have the capacity to empathize and appreciate what you are asking of those around you.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I enjoy the opportunity to do good work that has meaning. Work that moves the needle. I have worked at places where you came in every day to a “job”. McCann is something different.

"Our future marketing and advertising leaders are not just looking for a job, they are looking for a meaningful career that will make a positive impact on society."
— Gord McLean, President and CEO at ANA Educational Foundation