The Advertising On-Ramp

The Advertising On-Ramp
Getting Your First Advertising Job

By Belle Frank

The Advertising On-Ramp provides strategies readers can use to make their job prospecting more effective. It also serves as a source of emotional support for job seekers.

This book is a must-read for college seniors and new graduates in communications, marketing, and advertising, or those in liberal arts who want to move into those fields.

Read Chapter 10: The Y&R Way



This excerpt is printed with permission by Paramount Market Publishing, Inc.

Belle Frank

Copyright © 2013 Young & Rubicam, Inc. All rights reserved.

Book Excerpts

"Our future marketing and advertising leaders are not just looking for a job, they are looking for a meaningful career that will make a positive impact on society."
— Gord McLean, President and CEO at ANA Educational Foundation