Security of War Information – Loose Lips Sink Ships (1942-1945)

The War Advertising Council’s “Loose Lips Sink Ships” public service ads reminding Americans of the dangers of revealing too much information are still remembered
today. This particular campaign encouraged Americans to be discreet in their communication to prevent restricted information from being leaked to the enemy during World War II.

The theme was widely promoted in advertising as well as through other informational channels. The War Advertising Council prepared a guide for advertisers, which included posters, radio spots, and promotional kits for use by local security committees. Even relevant product tie-ins were encouraged, resulting in a leading manufacturer’s admonition to those in on military secrets to “Keep it under your Stetson.”

Research conducted by the Council in conjunction with the campaign indicated that twice as many of the people exposed to the careless talk messages were aware of what information could not be safely discussed in wartime than those not reached by the campaign.

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Ad Council Campaigns That Have Made a Difference

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— Gord McLean, President and CEO at ANA Educational Foundation