Talent Champion – Patrick Albano

Talent Champion Spotlight

2023 Talent Champion - Patrick Albano

Patrick Albano
VP, Global Client Development
The Trade Desk

Patrick has led sales and marketing for some of the largest technology companies and fastest growing startups in the world. He currently works with marketers to transform the way they reach consumers and define the future of advertising.

Prior to the Trade Desk, Patrick was the Chief Revenue and Marketing officer for Blade Air Mobility, a leading tech-aviation platform which IPO’d in 2021. Previously, Patrick was the CRO at AdTheorent, one of Inc.com’s fastest growing companies and one of the pioneers in artificial intelligence powered advertising. Prior to joining AdTheorent, Patrick spent nearly six years in senior leadership roles at Yahoo including an international assignment based in London and in the U.S. as VP, Social, Mobile and Innovation he led sales for Yahoo’s high growth divisions.

Patrick has a passion for helping the industry evolve around new technology, having held board positions with the IAB, MMA and regularly speaking about industry trends.

What prompted you to get involved with the AEF?

I’ve always regretted not asking for more mentorship or help early in my career. At the time, mentorship and coaching weren’t as widely talked about, so I honestly didn’t even know it was an option. Over time, I’ve learned to ask for more help from the people I respect and I’m constantly searching for ways I can help other people. When a friend posted a link to the AEF mentorship program I was instantly interested in giving back and offering the help I wish I had access to early in my career.

Why are you passionate about the future of the industry?

Advertising helps make content and experiences more accessible to ALL people, around the world. It powers discovery, commerce, learning, travel and even entertainment for the people that see it, and technology is only making people’s experience with advertising, better. I’m passionate about how the industry is evolving and excited to be a part of what’s next.

What is the best career advice you've ever received?

AAV – Always add value.

Why do you feel it is so important to inspire the next generation of diverse talent?

People perform at their best and are happiest when they are inspired. I hope to inspire the next generation as much as I am inspired by them.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I once asked a very successful investor, “what’s the secret to your success – why do you invest in a company?” He answered quite simply – “for two things – the people and the product”. Many companies are strong in one or the other, but I’m lucky enough to work in a company that has such exceptional people who are always working to help each other. We’re lucky enough to work with an exceptional product that makes other businesses grow and the people that use it more successful. It’s that winning combination that makes me love my job.

What advice would you give to students as they consider entering the industry?

My network is both my favorite part and by far the most valuable thing I’ve built in this industry. My advice would be to make sure you always devote ~10% of your work time to strengthen your network and help people. Take the call, meet for coffee, say hi in the elevator, etc., and introduce others where you can – all of it will make you better and build great connections over time.

2023 Talent Champions

"Our future marketing and advertising leaders are not just looking for a job, they are looking for a meaningful career that will make a positive impact on society."
— Gord McLean, President and CEO at ANA Educational Foundation