Visiting Professor Program FAQ

Many of your questions are answered in the Fordham Conference Services booklet. Please read this thoroughly.


In case you missed our VPP Informational Session, view the conversation now to have some of your questions answered.

Please join our WhatsApp group for 2024 Visiting Professors. Introduce yourself by posting your name, department, college/university, research interest, etc. This will be a great way to get to know your fellow VPPs, exchange ideas, share information on activities during your free evenings, etc.

Class of 2024 VPP WhatsApp group

When can I check-in to campus housing?

The Conference Housing office in the lobby of McMahon will be open 9-5 Monday-Friday.

For those who check in on Sunday, we will provide the phone number of the conference assistant on duty as we get closer to June. You should call him/her when you arrive at McMahon and he/she will check you in.

For more information about on-campus housing, read the Fordham Conference Services booklet

What is the check-out time?

Check-out time is 10am.

Those leaving Friday night will have to check out of the dorm before our sessions on Friday. We will have a secure room where you can store your luggage for the day.

For those leaving on Saturday, you will also need to checkout at 10:00 am on Saturday. Fordham is unable to store luggage, unfortunately, so you would need to make your own arrangements.

For more information about on-campus housing, read the Fordham Conference Services booklet

What is the on-campus housing like?

During your stay in New York you will be housed in McMahon Hall, an apartment-style student residence at 155 West 60 Street (campus map). Each of you will have a private bedroom with a single bed and share a sitting room, kitchen and bath with one other faculty member of the same gender; a student’s tour of one of these apartments can be seen here. Residential Life/Conference Services maintain an office in the lobby of the residence hall that is open to register you during office hours Monday-Friday. For those few who pre-arranged to arrive on Sunday, June 2nd, a Conference Services employee will be on call.

All VPP attendees who are housed by Fordham’s Conference Services will be provided with a temporary ID that provides access to Fordham campus buildings and amenities.

What is included in each room?

The residence hall is air conditioned and bedding, one towel, one washcloth, and toilet paper are provided. No irons or cookware are provided. The building is ADA compliant, with handicapped access to the street and to the Plaza that leads to other buildings on campus.

What should I bring with me for my stay in the dorm?

You should bring shampoo, soap, hair dryer, and may want to bring an additional pillow and extra towels/washcloths for more comfort and convenience. We also recommend bringing a garbage bag and refillable water bottle.

Can my spouse/partner or family stay with me in the dorms?

No. Fordham has to be selective of who stays in the dorms so only program participants are granted access. It is also a Jesuit university and does not allow co-ed rooms on campus.

Dining on/near campus

Student dining facilities are available on campus, but some may be closed during Fordham’s summer vacation. Everyone staying on campus will receive a voucher Monday afternoon for breakfast in the Ram Café in the Lowenstein building, 113 West 60 Street (next door to McMahon). Lunches on Tuesday through Friday will be provided at our host companies. Saturday Brunch (10:00 AM-3:00 PM) will be offered in the Community Dining Room, 150 West 62nd Street. As you can imagine in New York City, there are a variety of restaurants at diverse price points nearby for you to explore and make your own dinner plans.

There are supermarkets and drug stores a few blocks south of campus on Columbus/9th Avenue and Amsterdam/10th Avenue.

Read the Fordham Lincoln Center Neighborhood guide for some suggestions, though more options exist.

What is the dress code?

Business casual attire and comfortable shoes.

Will the presentations we see be made available to us afterwards?

We will share all the information we can with you, but it is up to the permissions from each company. We will coordinate with our presenters and share materials after the VPP has completed. Please bring your tablet, notepad, or whatever you wish to take notes throughout the week.

Directions to Fordham University's Lincoln Center Campus

Please visit Fordham’s site for directions.

Where can I park my car if I drive to NYC?

Fordham University does not have its own parking facilities in Manhattan, but there are discount arrangements with several private facilities nearby. Have your parking ticket validated at the Lowenstein Public Safety desk (113 West 60th Street) for preferential day rates only. Discounts are subject to change and are not controlled by the University. Please verify costs and potential discounts by contacting the garages directly.

Is there public transportation nearby to explore the city in the evenings?

Yes, you are about a 6-minute walk to Columbus Circle where you can catch several subways. There are also bus stops nearby. Please see a neighborhood map of public transportation here.

Visiting Professor Program FAQ

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