2018 Symposium Participants
The End of Advertising As We Know It
Now, What Do We Do?
The 2018 AEF Symposium will focus on an inflection point in marketing and advertising. Consumers are being exposed to more advertising than ever and resenting it more than ever before. Ads may be getting shorter, but that doesn’t mean they are better. In fact, there are more of them that are more intrusive in lots of different ways. It’s no longer about advertising meeting consumers in their lives. The key is to stop selling and do a much better job of connecting. The smartest brands today get this and are committing to driving purpose, to meaning, to content and storytelling that connect genuine consumer needs and wants to create meaningful brand connections in our lives.
Millennials and the new Gen Z Power markets will no longer tolerate messages that do nothing more than try to get them to buy stuff. Disruption raises the ante to offer and extend better branded solutions to everyday problems. Mass media is dead. Personal media choices have become much more important than brand messages.
This workshop will tee up the problem and explore new solutions to better, robust brand engagement. Attendees will emerge from the session with new methods, ideas and best practices they can adapt and adopt to compete much more effectively in this new world of marketing.
ANA Masters of Marketing Conference kick-off session
Date: Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Time: 3:00 – 5:00p.m.
Venue: Rosen Shingle Creek, Orlando, FL
Room: Gatlin A-1

Introduction and Topic Overview
Paul Kurnit
Clinical Professor of Marketing, Pace University
President, PS Insights
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Keynote Address
George Hammer
Chief Content Officer
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Panel Discussion
Mark Truss
Global Director of Brand Intelligence
J. Walter Thompson Company
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Panel Discussion
Magen Hanrahan
VP, Media and Creative Services
The Kraft Heinz Company
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Panel Discussion
Shawna Ross
Executive Director, Planning Department
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Panel Discussion
Clarence Lee, Ph.D.
Professor, Johnson Graduate School of Management
Cornell University
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